Read about our results in different areas below.


  • The collaboration is taken seriously, and all participants are very engaged.
  • In  the seven years that the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum has existed, it has collaborated, knowledge-shared and inspired each other to new solutions within fields such as new pharmaceuticals, sustainability, horizon scanning, production and security of supply.
  • However, neither the collaboration nor the results in the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum have come easily. It has been a process of which this strategy is also a part of, and a process that the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum is proud of.
  • Great forum for knowledge sharing – for example:
    – ongoing dialogue about the latest developments regarding HTAR and our preparations
    – EU Pharmaceutical Strategy

Joint negotiations on new pharmaceuticals

  • In 2020 joint negotiations for Zynteglo
  • The negotiations were based on clinical and economic assessment from FINOSE
  • The aim was to have common terms and conditions for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. It was afterwards up to each country to decide whether to introduce the treatment in its health service
  • By negotiating together, the countries hoped to achieve acceptable and sustainable prices for the new medicine, and thereby ensure rapid and equal access to the medicine for patients in all five countries.

Standard terms for advanced therapies

  • Denmark, Sweden and Norway have entered into a collaboration regarding knowledge sharing on standard terms for the new advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs).
  • Concluding agreements on advanced therapies can take a long time.
  • Each country will continue to develop its own national contract terms and agreements, but a Nordic exchange of experience will improve our basis for establishing more flexible agreements.

Joint procurement

  • Two joint procurement between Denmark, Norway and Iceland – latest with enviromental criteria
  • Goal:
    ‐ Better security of supply for older medicines
    ‐ Gain experiences with joint procurements and enviromental criteria
  • Two succesfull procurements
  • NLF won a price for Innovation & Procurement Excellence at the The European Healthcare Procurement Awards 2022.