The Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum is organized with a Steering Group and currently seven working groups.

A map showing the organization of the NLF, which consists of one steering group and seven working groups.

Steering group

The steering group, which is the forum’s highest authority, consists of representatives from all five Nordic countries. Representatives are from the following organizations:

  • Denmark: Amgros and Danish Medicines Council
  • Finland: HUS Pharmacy, HUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa
  • Iceland: Iceland Medicines Agency and Landspitali
  • Norway: Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust (Sykehusinnkjøp HF) and The Norwegian Medicines Agency (Legemiddelverket)
  • Sweden: Region Stockholm and Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)

Denmark holds the Presidency of the steering group of the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum.

The working groups in the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum are not fixed in number or focus. New working groups can thus be established. This is to ensure that the working groups in the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum reflect the need for co-operation across the Nordic countries.

Working groups

The working groups each has a chair. The work in the working groups are based on terms of reference approved by the steering group.

The working groups in the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum are not fixed in number or focus. New working groups can thus be established and current working groups can be closed. This is to ensure that the working groups in the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum reflect the need for co-operation across the Nordic countries.

All working groups have their own strategic initiatives and focus areas:

  • Horizon scanning: Same data sources on new drugs, indication extensions, strengths and dispensing forms on the way
  • New expensive drugs: Joint negotiation, HTA saves resources
  • Manufacturing: E.g. purchase of raw materials, documentation of durability and validation of equipment
  • Environment: Environmental countriesconsiderations and sustainable procurement
  • Procurement: joint Nordic tenders
  • Security of supply: Monitor and share information about supply difficulties and solutions used in the individual